The CESL Resource Library contains approximately 7,000 items--including books, DVDs, and CDs.
The Library is for the use of CESL faculty, staff and ESL graduate students, current CESL and U of A students and the local ESL community. Local ESL volunteers are welcome to use the Library after applying to the Librarian. Reference service is available to all users during Library hours.
Borrowing materials: Most books and other items can be checked out from the Library during open library hours. Please see the Librarian or Student Library Assistant to check out books. All items check out for a period of three (3) weeks. They can be renewed in person, by phone or by email.
Our Library will be reopening soon - stay tuned for details!
UA Libraries and Computer Labs
Libraries are an important part of your academic life at the university. Not only will you learn to use them for research and reference, but you will also find magazines and newspapers from your country. Although CESL student may not check materials out of the library, they can use the facilities.
Main Library and Science Library
CESL students can apply for a Pima County Public Library card. With the card they can check out materials from any branch of the public library system. They can apply for a card at any library with some form of identification, such as a passport, and proof of an address here in Tucson, such as a lease or utility bill.
Did you know that a free Pima County Public Library card is your ticket to accessing countless online services that augment services offered by the UA Libraries? With your free PCPL library card you can access:
- Test Prep software (GRE, TOEFL, Nursing, Real Estate Exam, just to name a few)
- Language Learning Software (Rosetta Stone and Auralog for English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish)
- (online tutorial help in math, English, chemistry and various social sciences areas from K-14)
- E-book downloads (including classics, contemporary fiction, nonfiction and selections from For Dummies series, and QuickStudy for Calculus, Chemistry, Accounting, Anatomy, and Psychology)
- Video downloads (including Hollywood hits, foreign flicks, and popular series favorites like "Antiques Roadshow" and "America's Test Kitchen" among many others)
Library Orientation Video
Language Study Resources
Important Links
- Program for Intentional Learning (PIL)
- Independent Reading Program (IRP)
- CESL Lab
- CESL Library
- UA Library
- On-line Safety
- CESL Tutoring
- Learning English Efficiently
- Listening and reading with Chuck Phillips!
- Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
- Ghost stories and Folktales
- Self-study grammar quizzes for multiple levels
- Grammar quizzes (scroll down the page a bit)
- Here you can find many different grammar exercises
- At this page, you can find links to other pages with lots of grammar work. A good reference!
- Dave’s ESL Café phrasal verbs
- Grammar quizzes from the Internet TESL Journal site
- ChompChomp Website
- nice menu of grammar points
- Grammar checker
- Listening and Reading with our own Chuck Phillips!
- Topics, an online magazine for learners of English
- Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works
- The New York Times’ Learning Network
- Tower of English Mystery Room
- Classic literature you can read online
Spelling and Word Forms
- Free rice! It’s fun, feeds people, and is a great way to learn/practice vocab!
- 4 word games to increase your vocabulary; choose more challenging topics for adult learners
- BBC World Service Learning English
- Subscribe to the A Word A Day list
General ESL Sites
These web sites have collections of English as a second language links.
- My GRE Tutor
- Sample and practice test materials for the iBT TOEFL
- Practice TOEFL materials
- GRE and GMAT preparation materials for sale
- Practice the TOEFL 2005 on line
- Resources from the ETS TOEIC site