
Welcome to the Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) at the University of Arizona!

Congratulations on your admission to CESL! We are excited to have you join us. Please review the following information to ensure a smooth transition into our program. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!


Arriving in Tucson

Airport Transportation

There are various options that will take you from Tucson International Airport to your place of stay.  Students will need to arrange their own transportation leaving the airport.  Below are a few transportation options:

Welcome and Intake Steps 

Here you will find everything you need to know and do before beginning classes at CESL. 
Below are several steps you must take before you can begin your classes for Spring 2, 2025 session:
All times listed on this page are in US Arizona (AZ) time. You can check/configure your local times here:

Safety requirements

placement test (Intensive English Program students only)

  • At your scheduled test times on March 11-13, it is mandatory for all IEP students to complete a placement test.
  • All IEP students will do a live interview as part of placement/registration.
  • Please allow 1 hour and 30 minutes for the written/computer test and 30 minutes for the interview.
  • You must complete the test on your own without help from other people, books, notes, or the internet.

CESL Registration, NetID & CatMail Setup:

Log in to Populi using the instructions that were emailed to you. The following steps can be completed anytime on March 11-12. You will do these steps on your own. Please write down and/or screenshot all of the information. If you have any difficulties, please contact Sumayya Granger at 

CESL Registration: Tuesday, March 11 - Wednesday, March 12 (after arriving in Tucson) 

Net ID Setup & CatMail Setup: Tuesday, March 11 (anytime)

NETID Setup: Set up your University of Arizona NetID; this is used for accessing campus computers, learning programs, and all university verified sign-ins. You must have a UA NetID. 

CatMail Setup (official UA email): Tuesday, March 11 (anytime)

  • You can create your official UA email account here:
  • All CESL/UA correspondence will occur through this official UA account
  • You must create a CatMail email and check your CatMail email every day

NetID Registration:

You must register your NetID with CESL by 5pm (AZ time), Wednesday, March 12 if you do not register your NetID, we cannot finish your registration process.


  • You will receive an email with instructions about NetID+ after you register your NetID with CESL. This is required to access D2L and other university services.
  • If you have any issues, email


  • Add a face photo of yourself into your Populi account

Orientation and walking tour:

  • New Student General Orientation is on Friday, March 14, 10:00 AM (Arizona Time)
  • All new and returning students must attend this live orientation session with Sumayya Granger,
  • In-person, CESL room 202
  • Friday, March 14, 11:30am, students will meet in the CESL Lobby for a walking tour around campus.

Survey, Schedule, and Jupiter:

Please complete on Friday, March 14 (after orientation)

  1. Tell us about your orientation experience! After completing ALL of the above steps, you will complete the CESL Arrival Survey.
  2. You can access the online survey here: 
  3. After completing ALL of the above steps, you will receive an email with your CESL Schedule
Classes begin on Monday, March 17
We look forward to having you in class and welcome you to the CESL Family!

Late Arrivals

Students are expected to report and register at CESL on the I-20 report date. If you cannot arrive on the arrival date, please contact CESL admissions office for advice. You will need to defer to the next available session. 
  • New students who do not attend orientation on Friday of intake week will be charged a late orientation fee of $100 and will not be allowed to receive a schedule until the fee is paid and orientation is completed.
  • Late tuition fee: 10% of tuition. Applicable to new, returning, and continuing students who have not paid tuition by 5:00 PM on Tuesday of intake week.

If a full time student fails to enroll on time and accumulates excessive absences, his/her I-20 will be terminated and they will be dismissed from CESL.

Additional New Student Information

Campus Recreation

You may use Campus Recreation for an additional fee. You must go to Campus Recreation and bring your CESL ID to sign up and pay. Campus Recreation rates for CESL students:

  • 30-day pass: $45
  • 60-day pass: $70
  • 90-day pass: $95

For more information visit:

Translated Documents


Orientação imigração
Informação do seguro de saúde
Informação académica






Transportation in Tucson

Public Transportation

Sun Tran Bus
The city public bus system has routes to most parts of the city. You can pick up a current bus schedule in C202. Inside you will find information about prices and bus passes. It is easy to get from the university to the four shopping Malls on the bus. When you are reading the schedule, be sure that you look at the right time. There are different schedules during the week and weekends and holidays.


Bicycle Route Maps of Tucson
University Bicycle Route Maps

  • wear helmet and lock up bike
  • Bicycles are a good way to travel around the campus and to apartments nearby. Riders should know the regulations for bicycle riding and should ride carefully.
  • Bicycle Registration is free, and it is a very good idea to register your bicycle with Parking and Transportation to help identify your bike if it is stolen.

Owning a Car

Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division

Parking on campus

Students and visiting scholars operating an automobile or motorcycle on campus, must register this vehicle with Parking and Transportation Services, and display an appropriate permit in its proper location at all times. In order to park in the university parking lots, you MUST purchase a parking permit from Parking and Transportation.

Driver's license

If you drive a car in Arizona, you must have a valid driver's license. You can download a copy of the Driver's License Manual from the internet. You may apply for a driver's license and take the driver's test at any Motor Vehicle Division office. Take your passport, your I-20, your I-94 and your Cat Card.
If you need an ID card to show that you are 21 and you don't drive a car, you may go to any driver's license office and ask for an Arizona ID card. You must show your passport and I-94, I-20 and passport.


Food & Dining


The new student union on campus offers a wide variety of food. In addition, within walking distance of CESL there are many other places to eat. There are a number of ethnic restaurants where CESL students can find food very similar to home. There are Arabic, Asian, Mexican, and Italian restaurants very near. Be sure to check the Wildcat for coupons to save money. Tucson has hundreds of restaurants with cuisines from all over the world.


It is customary in restaurants where your order is taken by a wait person at your table to tip 15-20% of your total food check. This is not necessary where you pick up your food in a deli, cafeteria or fast-food restaurant. Do not tip gas station attendants, persons who carry packages in stores, or restroom attendants in stores. However, it is customary to tip the stylist who cuts, shampoos and styles your hair; the barber; a valet parker who parks your car; the bellboy in the hotel who carries your bags; the red cap at the airport or train station; and taxi drivers.


In the U.S. you must be 21 years old to drink alcohol. You must show ID to drink alcohol in bars and restaurants. Alcohol is not allowed in university residences on campus. Never drive if you have been drinking.  If you have been drinking, call a taxi to take you home. Do not drink and drive!